About Warren-Usagi
Celebrant services are provided by Bryant Warren, a humanist celebrant endorsed by The Humanist Society.
U-W History
Usagi-Warren Services started in 2023 by Bryant Warren in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex in Texas. Mr. Warren received his celebrant endorsement from The Humanist Society in late 2023. Seeking the humanist celebrant endorsement was the first step in correcting a societal deficiency to celebrate life for Mr. Warren and others like him.

U-W Vision
The hope is to bring awareness that rites of passage and ceremonials services commonly thought to only exist with religious context do exist without it. Usagi-Warren Services seeks to fill a gap for those who do not need religious context or whose identity is used by others as a reason to deny these services.
Celebrate humanity with identity rich ceremonies and rites of passage.
Select "Book Services" in the top menu at any time
Celebrant Services
Marriage Officiant
Have your wedding ceremony free of religious context and full of your identity. Celebrate the union, whether legally binding or for social recognition.
Child Welcoming/Naming/Coming of Age Ceremonies
Celebrate new life the way you want, whether through birth, adoption. or taking a new name. Let identity, not religion, guide your rites of passage for a new life.
End of Life/Funerals/Memorials
The end of life brings on deep reflection and grief, and people deserve a service that matches them as they lived, not as others wanted them to be.
Other Ceremonies/Rites of Passage
Rites of passage, invocations, and ceremonies need not include religion. Celebrate these stages of life in a way that best fits your identity.
Get in touch
Please contact me if you are interested in arranging one of the celebrant services provided, or you have further questions about services that are not answered on the website.
Contact Information
Flower Mound, TX 75028